
What is FlexReview?

FlexReview accelerates the code review process using the context of code review complexity and domain expertise of the reviewers. Using that data, FlexReview suggests better reviewers and takes actions on stale PRs.

What is FlexReview Team?

Code review is a team-based activity, FlexReview enables every team to configure their own assignment and automation rules.

What is Review SLO?

Using FlexReview, you can track and monitor the review response times at every team level, and set up automated rules to reassign or notify stale reviews. Learn more

Enabling FlexReview

To use the FlexReview Teams and SLO features, Aviator needs to ingest the reviewer information from your past PRs, and catalog your GitHub teams. Aviator will not post any comments or interact with any PRs. Checkout how read-only mode works.

Once the FlexReview configs and Teams are setup, Aviator will start taking actions on relevant PRs.

Get started

Try enabling FlexReview in one of your repositories below.